If you’re searching for homes in El Segundo CA, but maybe are priced out of the market or just looking for other options, Torrance may be a great place to consider. Torrance is the largest city in the South Bay and housing options and prices are very diverse. The city is home to some of the most affordable housing and also happens to have neighborhoods with some of the most expensive addresses in the area.
View the current homes for sale in this great city or click on any link below to view the homes for sale in those neighborhoods.
We’ve tried to make searching for a home in Torrance as easy as possible with several ways to search for your future home. You can search by Torrance neighborhood or search for homes by price range.
- Below $400,000
- Between $400,000-$550,000
- Between $550,000-$700,000
- Between $700,000-$850,000
- Between $850,000-$1,000,000
- Between $1,000,000-$1,250,000
- Between $1,250,000-$1,500,000
- Between $1,500,000-$2,000,000
- Above $2,000,000
Search All of the Current Torrance Homes for Sale by Neighborhood
Want an even easier way to search for homes in Torrance? Tell us just a bit about your ideal dream home and we’ll customize a search just for you and send you listing alerts when a new home comes on the market. Never miss a new Torrance listing again!
Current Homes for Sale in Torrance CA
Search Torrance Homes for Sale on our Interactive MLS Map
Search Torrance Homes for Sale on Our Interactive Real Estate Map
Click on any “area” below to see information and the current homes for sale in that neighborhood or scroll to the bottom of the page to see links to the MLS listings and homes for sale in that neighborhoods or scroll to the bottom to see a full list of links to the current homes for sale in those areas.